Uptown  Audio


YBA electronic components are designed and manufactured in France using only the highest quality parts. Many discrete components are custom designed by YBA and are manufactured to their exacting specifications. Also employed are unique and meticulous construction techniques including extensive control of magnetic resonance and vibrations. The final designs are derived from listening tests at their French facility. As with all other products from Uptown Audio, expect superb sound, construction and value!

The latest line of statement YBA components is the Passion series. They are fantastic in both sound and build quality, leaving nothing to be desired sonically or aesthetically. They are encased in gorgeous, heavy aluminum chassis with modern, elegantly lines that will compliment the finest decor. Finished in a choice of aluminum finishes, they will fit into existing systems consisting of either black or natural aluminum.

YBA has always held the natural reproduction of music above all other design parameters. Construction quality is amazing, yet is only a means to the realization of life-like sound in the home. Many models are available ranging from 50wpc integrated amplifiers to large, multi-chassis separates systems that deliver tremendous energy levels to your choice of loudspeakers. YBA also offers a few CD players to match their range of amplifiers, each with the same goal in mind. 





YBA integrated amplifiers

YBA CD players


YBA preamplifiers

YBA power amplifiers





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